Semi-finalists in the Collegiate EFFIE Competition

The Collegiate EFFIEs announced the semifinalists and the School of Communications via the BYU AdLab had four teams move on in the prestigious competition for the 2021 Bose Challenge.

After placing seven teams in the Quarterfinals, the BYU Adlab has now placed four in the semifinals.

Big Congrats to:

Team ”Find Your Frequency” Cameron Youngblood, Elena Deighton, Anya Meredith, Andrew Rhee 

Team “Sound Advice” Sophie Haws, Izze Huish, Dillon Hansen, Hope Knudson

Team ”Game Like A Pro” Gabe Frei, Reese Hansen, Dane Carlson, Joe Nugent

Team ”Bose Boss Battle” Meg Elmer, Leah Nelson, Bernice Chun, Eric Forbush